Sunday 22 April 2018


Unit  13
E1. If Suman takes an achievement test on Percentage and obtains 15 out of 25
marks and then repeats the same test after a month, would she likely to
secure more marks? Why?
E2. In addition to the marks obtained by Jaba in Science, specify any three
indicators of learning for assessing her progress in Science
E3. Give a reason as to why the marks are important in summative assessment
and not in formative assessment.
E4. As a teacher, while evaluating learning of the students, what should you
do and what should you avoid to do?
E1. Suman takes an achievement test on Percentage and obtains 15 out of 25
marks. If she repeats the same test after a month, she would likely to secure
more marks because of the following possible reasons:
_ She would have memorized the answers
_ She would have thoroughly practised the test
_ She could have clarified her doubts in consultation with her teacher /
parents / peers
E2. In addition to the marks obtained by Jaba in Science, you may choose any
three of the following aspects for assessing her progress in learning Science:
_ Skill of observing the nature and natural elements;
_ Skill of experimentation;
_ Skill of analyzing, categorizing and synthesizing things objectively;
_ Conducting projects which are scientific in nature;
_ Skill of asking questions; etc
E3. The marks are important in summative assessment but not in formative
assessment because summative assessment
_ determines how much the students have learned from the whole course
and if they have met the prescribed academic standards.
_ determines the position of a student in relation to other students in the
class at the end of the term/course.
_ helps in assigning students a course grade.
E 4. As a teacher, while evaluating learning of the students one should
_ Use a variety of ways to collect information about the student's learning
and progress in all subjects
_ Collect information continuously and record the same
_ Give importance to each student's way of responding and learning and
the span of time he/she or the child it takes to do so
_ Report on a continuous basis and be sensitive to every student's response
_ Provide feedback that will lead to positive action and help the student to
do better
_ As a teacher, while evaluating learning of the students one shouldn't;
_ Label students as slow, poor, intelligent etc.
_ Make comparisons between them
_ Give negative statements
Unit 14
E1. Which of the following is NOT an example of assessment OF learning?
A. Annual Examination
B. Assessment of home work
C. Scholarship Examination
E2. Can the scores/grades awarded on the annual examination be used for class
promotion of the students studying in primary schools?
E3. State any two benefits of assessment for learning.
E4. What is the most appropriate form of feedback while assessing home
A. Corrections marking the mistakes with red crosses;
B. Specific comments given in written form
C. Only through verbal discussion
E5. Is assessment for learning is a form of formative assessment? Give reasons
for your answer.
E6. In which of the following situations assessment as learning is possible?
A. Unit Test
B. Group Test
C. Group learning
D. Collaborative learning
E7. State any one difference between assessment for learning and assessment as
E1. B
E2. No, since in primary classes no detention policy is in force throughout the
country as a direction of RTE act, 2009.
E4. B
E6. D
Unit 15
E1. Stateany three uses of achievement tests in the classroom situation at
elementary school level.
E2. Analyse the example given below:
Mrs.Pandey plans meticulously for learning and teaching processes for her class.
One day she planned to teach the concept of Highest Common Factor (HCF) to
her students. She thought that before teaching the concept of HCF, she must
know to what extent the students have learnt the concept of factors and multiples.
So she developed a test for the purpose, administered that on her students, and
then on the basis of the test results proceeded.
i) Do you think that the test prepared by Mrs Pandey helps her to realize her
specific objectives?
ii) How was the test useful for Mrs Pandey?
iii) Think of your class where you are teaching at present and write down
one such example.
E3. Ms.Aditi was teaching the concept of 'conservation of energy' in classVII.
While teaching she felt that some students were looking confused. She wanted
a quick check of the students' understanding of the concept. Which type of
test should she use for the purpose?
E4. Write four characteristics of a good teacher-made test.
E 4. Which of the followings is associated with a unit test?
(a) Summative assessment
(b) Formative in nature
(c) Confined to limited number of competencies
(d) Totally controlled by the teacher
(e) Standardized achievement tests
(f) Decides promotion to the next higher class
 (g) Used for remedial purpose
(h) Results shared with the parents
E 5. State any two strengths and two weaknesses of extended response type of
test items with suitable examples.
E 6. Give two examples of extended response type of test items from each
school subject.
E7. In assessing learning outcomes, state three advantages of extended response
type items compared to other types of items.
E8. Give three reasons of different scoring by examiners in extended response
type of items.
E9. How many restrictions can be imposed to make essay items restricted
response items?
E8. Some statements are given below. Read them carefully. Put tick mark against
the correct statements and cross mark against the incorrect statements
a) Extended response type of item is an essay type of item
b) Objective type of items is more preferable in measuring the creative
ability of the students.
c) 5+2=____, is a selection type of item.
d) Every supply type of item can be converted to selection type of item.
e) Matching type of item is a form of multiple choice types.
f) In a multiple choice type of item, the incorrect options are known as
E1. Achievement tests are useful in knowing to what extent the student has
acquired knowledge and skill in a particular topic, comparing the achievement
among students regarding the acquisition of knowledge. It further helps the
teacher to group children, diagnose individual learning difficulties etc.
E2. Oral questions
E3. A. good teacher made test should cover limited no of competencies
B. should be able to identify leaning difficulties of the pupils.
C. can contain variety of items
E4. The statements in (b), (c), (d), (g) and (h) are associated with unit test.
E5. A variety of different mental processes and skills can be measured by the
extended response type of items. It permits the teacher to assess the extent
to which the student is able to compose an answer and present in an effective
way. Such types of items are easy to prepare in comparison to the restricted
response type of item.
E6. Teachers with varied content knowledge, scoring on the basis of handwriting
by some examiner, too much emphasis on grammar and spelling by the
examiner etc are some reasons for different among examiner in scoring
extended response type of items.
E7. Mainly four types of restrictions are normally imposed. Those are restriction
I length of response, content of response, space for response and duration of
E8. a.   b. ᅲ c. ᅲ d.   e.  f. ᅲ
Unit 16
E1 State one implication of reporting for each of the following:
Students, teachers, and parents.
E-2 State any four differences in the process of recording progress of students
in different curricular and co-curricular areas and point out the reasons for
variation in the process.
E3. Point out the differences in the formats of recording learning performance
in different subject areas with reasons.
E5. Distinguish between mistake and error. Cite examples of each from your
day-to-day observation of students' homework.
E6. Discuss the steps to be followed by you as a teacher for remediation of
learning difficulties faced by the learners in your subject area.
E-1. Reporting of learners' assessment is helpful for:
(i) the teachers;
_ to understand the potential of the learners from the varied information
_ to develop a full profile of the learners.
_ to draw conclusion about how a learner is learning and/or progressing.
_ to understand 'where the learner is', and 'what needs to be done to
help the learner'.
(ii) the parents;
_ to know what the child is doing in school.
_ to know the child's strength and weakness in learning.
_ to motivate the child to go ahead with his /her areas of interest and
_ to facilitate remedial /enrichment activities for the child as per his/her
(iii) the students;
_ to promote self motivation for improving their performance.
_ to promote personal-social development.
_ to know what they are doing and why they are doing. This would give
scope to them to work on the weak areas.
E -2. The following differences are observed in the process of recording progress
of students in different curricular and co-curricular areas:
_ Students' learning progress in different curricular areas is recorded
either in terms of marks or grades; but in case of the co-curricular
areas it is recorded only in terms of grades.
_ Their learning progress in different curricular areas is recorded in terms
of marks or grades under the heads of oral, written and practical/project/
assignments separately; but in case of the co-curricular areas it is
recorded comprehensively in different aspects like drawing, painting,
music etc.
E-3. The following differences are observed in the formats of recording learning
performance in different subject areas.
_ Recording learning performance in Language includes basic skills like
(i) Listening, (ii) Speaking, (iii) Reading, and (iv) Writing.
_ Recording learning performance in EVS includes the dimensions like
(i) Observation and recording, (ii) Discussion, (iii) Expression, (iv)
Explanation, (v) Classification, (vi) Questioning, (vii) Analysis, (viii)
Experimentation, (ix) Concern for justice and equality, and (x) cooperation.
_ Recording learning performance in Mathematics includes different
topics covered in a particular class.
E-4. Errors occur, but mistakes are made. Errors can simply happen, but mistakes
involve human actions. An error is a deviation from accuracy or correctness.
A mistake is an error caused by a fault: the fault being misjudgement,
carelessness, or forgetfulness.
E-5. You, as a teacher, may undergo the following steps for remediation of
learning difficulties faced by the learners in your subject area.
_ determining which students are having learning difficulty by analyzing
their performance subject wise and term wise
_ determining the specific nature of learning difficulty through diagnosis
_ determining the factors causing learning difficulty such as; attitude,
interest, motivation and the like
_ applying appropriate remedial procedures

1 comment:

Arabic story for LP

اَنَا اَقُصُ اَمَامَكُمْ قِصِّةً عَنِ دَارِسَةُ الاَمِينَة اِسْمُهَا فَاطِمَة مَاتَ اَبُوهَا قَبْلَ سَنَوَاتٍ وَكَانَتْ تَعِيشُ مَعَ اُمِّهَ...