Sunday 22 April 2018


Emerging Issues in Classroom Learning

Unit 9 502
E1. State at least three differences of an integrated teaching from the traditional
subject-based teaching.
E2. Write down at least two differences between multidisciplinary integration
and trans-disciplinary integration
E3. State the steps of planning for trans-disciplinary integration.
E4. State at least two differences between integrated and non-integrated
text books
E5. Which one characteristic of the integrated textbook you consider to be
most important?
E1. Any three of the following:
Combining related concepts from different subject areas.
Developing teaching-learning on real life themes going beyond the
textbook experiences.
Combining different methods like projects, observation etc.
Flexibility in time schedules and grouping students.
E2. Any two points from the Table 9.2
E3. You can develop your plan in which you may follow the steps as stated
Selecting the project relating to life context
Identify the related learning concepts and skills
Planning activities to link the identified concepts and skills.
Preparing time schedule and group formations for the transaction of
E4. Between non-integrated and integrated textbooks
The former is based on subject specific contents whereas the latter is
based on real life themes/context/situation.
The former is based on given knowledge/skill and the latter is based on
the explorative knowledge/skill.
There is no scope for learning activities within the text of the former
whereas the latter is filled with learning activities.
There is hardly any interactive space in the former while there are
interactive spaces for one-to-one and group interactions in the latter.

Unit 10

E1. What are the major characteristics of meaningful learning?
E2. State the two main obstacles for girls’ education in your area. Suggest
methods to overcome these obstacles.
E3. What is the method of removing the sense of isolation of the children of
minority groups in the classroom?
E4. State any two reasons in favour of providing inclusive education for CWSN.
E5. State any two common actions that you can take in the classroom for
facilitating learning of partially hearing and visually impaired children.
E6. State any four reasons as to why mother tongue is important for beginners
in the school?
E7. Write four major strategies to solve problems of tribal learners in your school.
E8. State the characteristics of an ideal multi-lingual classroom.
E9. What are the two important characteristics a teacher should possess to manage
the MLE classes effectively?
E10. Write 10 TPRs which can be used for beginners in your school.
E1. Use of children’s experiences, Use of local contextual examples, focusing
learning as a process, ensuring children’s liberty to ask questions, and focus
on thinking of children.
E2. Schools at a distance, unfavourable school environment, discriminatory
school/classroom practices, materials with adverse gender bias (any two).
E3. Ensuring participation in group work.
E4. Scope for peer support in learning, Enhancement of self-respect.
E5. Sitting in the front row (for clear vision of the black board vision impaired
and for better hearing the teacher’s voice) and participation in group work.
E6. Any four of the following:
- Children learn better through a language they speak and understand
- Learning to read and write is easier in a familiar language.
Concepts are best understood through mother tongue.
- Second language learning is more successful with a good foundation in
mother tongue.
- Indigenous knowledge is best learned through indigenous language.
- Children with a solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger
literacy abilities in other languages.
E7. Any four like the following:
• Using mother tongue as the medium of instruction
• Using socio-cultural context and folk materials
• Adapting the existing text book with local knowledge
• Using local contextual TLM in learning teaching process
E8. Free use of more than one language including the students’ home language,
use of locally available folk materials, more group learning, free interaction
among students and teacher, presence of support from the local community,
E9. Fluent in students’ home language and also in other languages, Rapport
with the students.
E10.Stand up, Sit down, Come here, Clap your hands, Nod your head, Raise
your hands, Touch your nose, Show me your teeth,…..(basically imperative

unit 11

E2. What are the different tools of ICT, which can be used in the learner-centre
approach pedagogy?
E3. What are the different forms of ICT tools?
E4. What is integration of ICT in the classroom?
E5. What are the tools that can be used in the process of assessment?
E6. What are the advantages of ICT in the process of assessment?
E1. Information technology and communication technology
E2. Situating, constructive and situating tools of ICT
E3. Audio, Visual and Audiovisual
E4. Use of ICT tools in the pedagogical process
E5. E-portfolio, Electronic peer assessment, Rubrics etc
E6. Learning as flexibility and responsibility of learning

E1. Why computer is known as data processor?
E2. What will be the problems, if storage system will not be there in the
E3. Choose the correct answer:
(i) The task of performing arithmetic and logical operations is called
(A) ALU, (B) CPU, (C) PC, (D) Processing
(ii) The ALU and CU is jointly known as
(A) RAM, (B) ROM, (C) CPU, (D) none of the above
(iii) The process of producing results from the data for getting useful
information is called
(A)  Output, (B) Input, (C) Processing (D). storage

E4. State the names of the components of the computer as shown in the figure
below against the numbers indicated.
E5. The computer that you often see being used by others or you use for your
own work comes under which type of category?
E6. In classroom learning which type of computer you need to use?

E7. Match learning points from column A with the appropriate CAL modes from
column B:
1. Intensity of Earth quake a. Drill and Practice
2. Forming groups according to b. Simulation
socio-economic Status
3. Problems on Fraction c. Modelling
4. Information about Parts of body d. Data Analysis
e. Data Storage
E1. Computer is called as data processor because it is mainly used for processing
data for producing meaningful information
E2. If storage system will not be there in computer, than you cannot save the
data for the further uses
E3. (i) A, (ii) C, (iii) A
E4. 1.RAM; 2- CPU, 3- CD disc; 4- floppy disc; 5- Monitor; 6- Key Board;
and 7- mouse
E5. Microcomputer
E6. Microcomputer
E7. 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. C

E1. Give any three characteristics of a teacher-centered classroom.
E2. Given below are few statements. In which, the need of the learner(s) is
given more importance? Put (?) mark.
a) Teacher explains difficult words to the students by using dictionary.
b) Students ask questions to the teacher to clarify their doubts.
c) Teacher asks the students to come in front of the class individually and point out
different places on the map hung on the wall.
d) Teacher conducts an experiment in the laboratory and asks the students to watch.
e) Students are allowed to go outside the classroom for some time, observe the
nature and narrate any three things they have observed in their own language
E3. Give any two reasons why understanding the learner is considered
important in the learner-centred approach.
E4. State any two differences between the divergent and convergent learning
E5. What are the two dimensions of Kolb’s model of learning styles?
E6. State the importance of peer groups in acquiring new experiences.
E7. State the three roles of a teacher in a learner- centred classroom.
E8. If we are to change over to the learning-centred classroom transactions
then what are the changes to be incorporated in the existing teachercentred
practices? (State any three practices)
E9. How does cooperative learning enhance self-confidence of the learner?
E10. State any two differences between cooperative and collaborative learning.
E11.1What are the main qualities of an activity?
E12. Why memorization is not considered as an activity?

E1. Any three of the following:
Teacher is more active,
Students are mostly passive,
Discipline in the class is as dictated by the teacher,
Students demonstrate very limited interest in what the teacher is doing
E2. (b), (c), and (e).
E3. (i) Learner is at the centre of all educational practices, and (ii) Knowing status
on different aspects of the learner shall help in providing appropriate learning
E4. (i) Use information and imagination to solve problems in divergent learning
styles whereas those using convergent learning style use practical experience
to solve problems, (ii) those with divergent learning style look at things
from various perspectives while those with convergent learning style are
more focused on practical values.
E5. (a) observer and diagnostician of learners, (b) provider of environment for
learning, and (c) facilitator of learning.
E6. (i) Grasping experience and (ii) transforming experience.
E7. (i) construct understanding through mutual interaction, and (ii) derive contextual
meaning from alternative values.
E8. Any three for Weimer’s five practices
E9. With the mutual help in the group and positive outlook of cooperation than
competition one builds self-confidence.
E10. Any two differences may be stated.
E11. Focused, challenging, spontaneous involvement, and joyful.
E12. Memorization is a way mechanical repetition which has none of the four
characteristics of an activity.

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Arabic story for LP

اَنَا اَقُصُ اَمَامَكُمْ قِصِّةً عَنِ دَارِسَةُ الاَمِينَة اِسْمُهَا فَاطِمَة مَاتَ اَبُوهَا قَبْلَ سَنَوَاتٍ وَكَانَتْ تَعِيشُ مَعَ اُمِّهَ...