Sunday 26 August 2018

504 Objective type Questions


Objective type Questions
Q .1 if diameter of a circle is 4 cm so the value of radius will be :
(a) 4 cm                                                  (b) 5 cm    
(c) 3 cm                                                  (d) 2 cm
Ans. (d) 2cm
Q.2 20% of Rs.500 will be equal to:
(a) 30% of Rs 700                                   (b)50% Rs 400    
(c) 12 1/2 % of Rs 800.                           (d) 60% of Rs 250
Ans.(c) 12  1/2 % of Rs 800.
Q.3 L.C.M of 24 and 36 is :
(a) 24                                                      (b) 27    
(c) 67                                                      (d) 72.
Ans. (d) 72
Q.4 nature of mathematics is :
(a) Mathematics is logical                            (b) Mathematics is precise
(c) Mathematics is symbolic                        (d) All of these.
Ans. (d) All of these.
Q.5 Where mathematics education can give beyond classroom :
(a) market                                                   (b) Garden
(c) real life                                                 (d) all of these
Ans.all of these .
Q.6 ........... is the point at which the learner begins to put the Abstract experience and clarify their mis-conception :
(a) exploration                                         (b) elaboration
(c) explanation                                        (d) evaluation.
Ans.(c) explanation.
Q.7 2,4,6,8......etc.are the number :
(a) Even numbers                                  (b) Odd numbers
(c) Prime numbers                                 (d) Natural numbers.
Ans.(a) Even numbers.
Q. 8 3D shapes does not include :
(a) Cuboid                                            (b) Cube  
(c) pyramid                                          (d) Rhombus
Ans.(d) Rhombus
Q.9 Mean of first five natural no. will be :
(a) 6                                                   (b) 5          
(c) 3                                                   (d) none  of these
Ans.(c) 3
Q.10 who needs the assessment information of students performance :
(a) Teacher                                          (b) Parents          
(c) Stakeholders                                 (d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these

unit-6 part-5 VIMP question answer
                                   Unit 6 Part 5

 Question 1. Describe what you understand with the symmetry of the triangles.

Answer: A flat shape has two sides, shape and form. If the shape and form of the two shapes are the same, then it will be congruent.
 The shape shapes are called identical shapes. In particular, similar-shaped triangles are called identical triangles. The study of geometry in Greece was done by Thales. He had proven to be an important fact in relation to similar triangles - "In the same triangle, the length of any two corresponding arms is always the same. Even if we are real to you, we are nothing. "With the help of this fact, if two sides of one are known in two identical triangles and only one side of the other is known then the other side can also be known. According to the historians, Thales had known the length of the shadow of a pyramid in Egypt and found the height of that pyramid. Using similar triangles, it is possible to measure those heights and distances, which could not be measured by the end. An important contribution given to humanity by geometry science is the use of indirect maps based on the theory of similar triangle.

Make one of these and put them on another shape. If these figures cover each other with complete history, then they are called convergence.

Now let's take two shapes, which have similar forms, some examples are as follows.

Two photos of the same person were made from the same negative, but the size of both is different, that is, the same form but different sizes.

 Map of India is printed in the book and a map is made on the wall. Both have the same form but the size is different.


Question 2. Define Sarvangam Shape Do homogeneous shapes are congruent?

Answer: Two flat shapes (linear shapes in one plane) are called congruent if a written figure covers over the completeness of another written figure. The congruent shapes are identical, but similar shapes may not be congruent.

Question 3. Explain the congruence of the sector and the congruence of angles with the diagram.

Answer- (1) Congruency of the line segment-
                                               If the length of the two line segments is equal, then the line segments are called congruent
         Are. The length of this type of congruent line segments is equal to one another.

(2) Congestion of angles: If the measure of two angles is equal, then who is called the congener.
        Thus, the measurement of two congruent angles is equal.


Question 4. Write Application for Sarvangamatma.

Answer: When two angles and two sides of two triangles need to prove congruity, then we try to prove both the triangles to be congruent. Congestion of triangles is an important tool that helps solve many problems of geometry.

Question 5. What are the different conditions for convergence of triangle?

Answer: (1) If under a conformation, two sides of a triangle and the angle under them are equal to the two sides of the other triangle and the angle under them, then this triangle is congruent. This is called S-A-S congruent restriction.

(2) If given in the given summation, the three sides of a triangle are equal to the corresponding sides of another triangle respectively, then both the triangles are congruent. This is called SSS Congestion Prevention.

(3) If in a conjunction, two angles of a triangle and their underlying arm are equal to two corresponding angles of the other triangle and the internal side, then the triangles are congruent.

(4) If a hypotenuse and a side of a right triangle is equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other right angled triangle under a conformation, then the triangle is congruent. This is called RHS congruent restriction.

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