SWAYAM MCQ and Question Answer 504 in English with Pdf
2018,Most important MCQ question answer with answer in english
subject part -1
mathematics 504 mcq and question answer 2018
Q.1…... means
learning by experimenting with concrete materials :
(a) Intuitive thinking
(b) reflective thinking
(c) thinking precisely
d) precise and elegant
Ans. (a) Intuitive thinking
Q.2 The sources for Collection of data is :
(a) Primary source
(b)secondary source
(c) A and B both
(d) none of this
Ans.(c) A and B both
Q.3 2,4,6,8…. etc. are the numbers :
(a) even numbers
(b) odd numbers
(c) prime numbers
(d)natural numbers
Ans. (a)even numbers
Q.4 What kinds of information is generated by
evaluation :
(a) Descriptive information regarding the
evaluation objectives
(b)information about relevant issues
(c)information about values
(d) all of these
Ans. (d) all of these
Q.5 The set of all points on a circle and the
points in it is interior taken together is known as :
(a) Interior points
(b) circular region
(c) exterior points
(d) segment of circle.
Ans.(b) circular region
Q.6 The main feature of the human information
processing system for introducing young children to the world of formal
mathematics is :
(a) Learning by induction
(b)Limited working memory capacity
(c)development of matter cognitive awareness and
(d) all of these
Ans.(d) all of these
Q.1 What problems are faced in teaching and learning of mathematic ?
Ans. Problems in teaching and learning of
mathematics :
(1) fear and failure :
of the students, peers,teachers, parents etc. have given priority to teaching
and learning mathematics at the elementary level although most of them thought
that it is a difficult subject. lack of awareness of objectives is also another
case of fear and failure. failure to recognize place value leads to failure in
four operation in mathematics.
(2) Disappointing curriculum :
and loaded mathematics curriculum created disappointment among the students.
most of the mathematics curriculum emphasizes on procedure, formulas,
mathematical facts and memorization of concepts. the textbook and syllabi on
mathematics are rigidly prescribed. the mathematics curriculum is far away from
the real life.
(3) Inadequate Learning materials :
majority of children in elementary schools textbook in mathematics is the only
resource material available to them. further ,most of the textbooks, mathematics
textbooks as well, are mostly content loaded and prescriptive. the student find
very little scope for pleasure and fun in learning mathematics from the
textbooks. there is hardly any other materials available to the children
especially those who are in rural and remote areas.
Q.2 How to calculate the area of irregular figures ?
Ans . Area of irregular figures:
measuring area of irregular figures, you can use centimetre graphs or thread
graphs. both of these work on same principle. place the irregular figure, say a
leaf, on the graph and draw the outline of the leaf on the graph. to
calculate the area of the leaf, count the squares covered in the outline of the
leaf. if the outline of the leaf covers half the cell or more than the half. it
should be taken as a full square. if it covers less than half of a square, then
that square is not taken into account. the total number of squares counted
gives an approximate area of the figure in centimetre squares. this is a crude
approximation. on of the best ways of finding the area of a irregular closed
region is to take the sum of the areas of very large numbers of vertical of
horizontal rectangular strips partitioning the region.
Q.3 Add the following expressions:
a + b-5, b-a + 3 and a-b + 6.
solution :- (a
+ b-5)+ (b-a + 3)+ (a-b + 6)
Q.4 What are the emerging trends in the mathematics assessment in
elementary schools?
Ans.Self assessment, par assessment, rethinking
assignment as formative assessment and assessment of learners
participation in the learning process are some of the emerging trends in the
mathematics assessment in elementary schools.
Q.5 How is statistics different from mathematics?
Ans.In the initial stage statistics was developed
as a branch of mathematics, but now it has developed it as an independent
discipline. as far as mathematical calculations are concerned,They are used in
the same way in statics as they are used in mathematics, but the field of operation
of these are different.
mathematics is the science of numbers, while statistics is
the science of analysis of numbers. in Mathematics, the measurable
qualities of an object, person or activity are measured in the context of both
individual and group, While in statistics the analysis of measurement results
is done is in a specific context of a group. The value of mathematical
calculation is define in itself while the value of statistical calculation is
the approximate value. Mathematics is a complete science while
statistics it is not a complete science despite it being based on
mathematical calculations Mathematics is concerned only with mathematical
results,while statistics predicts on the basis of mathematical results,
it is a science of prediction.
⋪Objective type Questions
Q .1 if diameter of a circle is 4 cm so the value of radius will be :
(a) 4 cm (b) 5 cm
(c) 3 cm (d) 2 cm
Ans. (d) 2cm
Q.2 20% of Rs.500 will be equal to:
(a) 30% of Rs 700 (b)50% Rs 400
(c) 12 1/2 % of Rs 800. (d) 60% of Rs 250
Ans.(c) 12 1/2 % of Rs 800.
Q.3 L.C.M of 24 and 36 is :
(a) 24 (b) 27
(c) 67 (d) 72.
Ans. (d) 72
Q.4 nature of mathematics is :
(a) Mathematics is logical (b) Mathematics is precise
(c) Mathematics is symbolic (d) All of these.
Ans. (d) All of these.
Q.5 Where mathematics education can give beyond classroom :
(a) market (b) Garden
(c) real life (d) all of these
Ans.all of these .
Q.6 ........... is the point at which the learner begins to put the Abstract experience and clarify their mis-conception :
(a) exploration (b) elaboration
(c) explanation (d) evaluation.
Ans.(c) explanation.
Q.7 2,4,6,8......etc.are the number :
(a) Even numbers (b) Odd numbers
(c) Prime numbers (d) Natural numbers.
Ans.(a) Even numbers.
Q. 8 3D shapes does not include :
(a) Cuboid (b) Cube
(c) pyramid (d) Rhombus
Ans.(d) Rhombus
Q.9 Mean of first five natural no. will be :
(a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) none of these
Ans.(c) 3
Q.10 who needs the assessment information of students performance :
(a) Teacher (b) Parents
(c) Stakeholders (d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these
Q .1 if diameter of a circle is 4 cm so the value of radius will be :
(a) 4 cm (b) 5 cm
(c) 3 cm (d) 2 cm
Ans. (d) 2cm
Q.2 20% of Rs.500 will be equal to:
(a) 30% of Rs 700 (b)50% Rs 400
(c) 12 1/2 % of Rs 800. (d) 60% of Rs 250
Ans.(c) 12 1/2 % of Rs 800.
Q.3 L.C.M of 24 and 36 is :
(a) 24 (b) 27
(c) 67 (d) 72.
Ans. (d) 72
Q.4 nature of mathematics is :
(a) Mathematics is logical (b) Mathematics is precise
(c) Mathematics is symbolic (d) All of these.
Ans. (d) All of these.
Q.5 Where mathematics education can give beyond classroom :
(a) market (b) Garden
(c) real life (d) all of these
Ans.all of these .
Q.6 ........... is the point at which the learner begins to put the Abstract experience and clarify their mis-conception :
(a) exploration (b) elaboration
(c) explanation (d) evaluation.
Ans.(c) explanation.
Q.7 2,4,6,8......etc.are the number :
(a) Even numbers (b) Odd numbers
(c) Prime numbers (d) Natural numbers.
Ans.(a) Even numbers.
Q. 8 3D shapes does not include :
(a) Cuboid (b) Cube
(c) pyramid (d) Rhombus
Ans.(d) Rhombus
Q.9 Mean of first five natural no. will be :
(a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) none of these
Ans.(c) 3
Q.10 who needs the assessment information of students performance :
(a) Teacher (b) Parents
(c) Stakeholders (d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these
MCQ Test,
Course 505, All Correct Answers - With pdf download Nios DELED MCQ Question and
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mcq course 505 solved
Q.1 The aim of class-test is,
performance of students ......:
exam and research
record and report
report and research
none of these
record and report
The importance of school is due to :
Link between home and society (b) all round
development of students
Creation of development environment
(d) all of the above
All of the above
According to whom, the purpose is the point which is doing in the direction of
it. It is a systematic change, which we work:
none of the above.
(a) N.C.E.R.T.
Indirect items……….on their learning or apply the learning in given situation :
Reflect (c)
Both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
National value is the main and importance value of environmental education:
(A) True .
Activity based learning is good for……:
headmaster (d)
(a) Students
The different kinds of learning related assessment are ………..:
(a) Assessment by group (b)
assessment by planning
cumulative Anecdotal recorders (d) all of the above
(d) all of the above
According to whom, “lesson plan is given a title that describes what
achievements is to receive and by what communication they can be obtained as a
result of class - action” :
Bakar (d)
(a) Bosing
Where was the world summit organised on environment education by
developing Nations :
-de Janario (Brazil)
kahira (Mishra)
Stock home (Sweden)
(c)New) Delhi
The profit of co-operational learning is……:
(a)Problem solving technique
struggle management
technique of discussion making
(d) all of the above
(a) All of the above
Short answer type question
Q.1 How can a teacher make his teaching -learning more effective ?
Ans.A teacher can make his teaching -learning more effective in the followings ways:
(1) By explanining shorter units of instruction.
(2) More conecrete association:see ,hear,feel,do etc.
(3) More illustration and audio-visual aids.
(4) More time for accomplishing complex work.
(5) Personalization of learning experiences.
(6) Emotional involvement in the activity as in dramatics,performing arts,etc.
Q.2 How will you know,what children know about environment ?
Ans. The objective of observation was to find out how much understanding the children had about minute things of their natural
surroundings.How much they can see,feel and remember carefully,infact,accordind to the nationwide curriculum of science applied in
britain,children of class ll and lll have to explore some selected natural habitation which they have to know.the second curriculum
says that investigation atleast for at least two hours any two habitations and the habitates settled in them.In this way they are expected
to find ways in which these residents can live in their houses.they have to also find out the effects of their surrounds.
Q.3 Define environment.
Ans. ''Environment is a word which describes in the aggregate all of the external forces, influences and conditions which effect the life, nature, behaviour and the growth, development and maturation of Living Organism"
Q.4 What are the methods of evolution?
Ans. The methods or techniques of evolution are as follows :
(1) Oral techniques : oral techniques of evaluation are used at lower level in organizing and leading teaching activities. the oral questions, debate and drama are used for this purpose.
(3) Written techniques : in this type, the written questions are asked and students have to write their answers. the written tests are more effective than oral. the written tests are usually of two types :
(a) easy type and (b)objective type tests
the objective tests are now preferred for constructing and criterion test because they are highly objective and reliable.
(3) Practical techniques : in this type of evolution some work is assigned to the student to accomplish it. Such techniques are based to assess the skill or psychomotor objectives. this technique is used in science, Geography, Home science, Agriculture Education, etc.
Q.5 How should environment education be given at primary level ?
Ans. A
t primary level environment should be taught the environment only.teachers directory should be prepared and they should use them for necessary work. children should be taught in sunlight under fresh air of the trees and plant. Horticulture classes are organized Horticulture should be done in the school premises.
Q.1 How can a teacher make his teaching -learning more effective ?
Ans.A teacher can make his teaching -learning more effective in the followings ways:
(1) By explanining shorter units of instruction.
(2) More conecrete association:see ,hear,feel,do etc.
(3) More illustration and audio-visual aids.
(4) More time for accomplishing complex work.
(5) Personalization of learning experiences.
(6) Emotional involvement in the activity as in dramatics,performing arts,etc.
Q.2 How will you know,what children know about environment ?
Ans. The objective of observation was to find out how much understanding the children had about minute things of their natural
surroundings.How much they can see,feel and remember carefully,infact,accordind to the nationwide curriculum of science applied in
britain,children of class ll and lll have to explore some selected natural habitation which they have to know.the second curriculum
says that investigation atleast for at least two hours any two habitations and the habitates settled in them.In this way they are expected
to find ways in which these residents can live in their houses.they have to also find out the effects of their surrounds.
Q.3 Define environment.
Ans. ''Environment is a word which describes in the aggregate all of the external forces, influences and conditions which effect the life, nature, behaviour and the growth, development and maturation of Living Organism"
Q.4 What are the methods of evolution?
Ans. The methods or techniques of evolution are as follows :
(1) Oral techniques : oral techniques of evaluation are used at lower level in organizing and leading teaching activities. the oral questions, debate and drama are used for this purpose.
(3) Written techniques : in this type, the written questions are asked and students have to write their answers. the written tests are more effective than oral. the written tests are usually of two types :
(a) easy type and (b)objective type tests
the objective tests are now preferred for constructing and criterion test because they are highly objective and reliable.
(3) Practical techniques : in this type of evolution some work is assigned to the student to accomplish it. Such techniques are based to assess the skill or psychomotor objectives. this technique is used in science, Geography, Home science, Agriculture Education, etc.
Q.5 How should environment education be given at primary level ?
Ans. A
t primary level environment should be taught the environment only.teachers directory should be prepared and they should use them for necessary work. children should be taught in sunlight under fresh air of the trees and plant. Horticulture classes are organized Horticulture should be done in the school premises.
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