Wednesday 17 October 2018


1.     “Art Education plays an important role in imparting regular curriculum of day to day teaching in school”. Briefly explain the statement by selecting one activity each from visual and performing arts.

Answer:-Art Education plays an important role in imparting regular curriculum of day to day teaching in school.Sight is an important part of the visual art curriculum. Such a sensorial experience lasts longer as more than one sense organs are involved in learning. Students need encouragement to observe details in their surroundings and explore the relationships between objects and their environment. Activity: Topic: “Bridges/ Flyovers”
 1. Introductory Activities :- A)Draw a bridge / flyover. Or observe the pictures of bridgeB)Are there any elements of art in them? C)Do you observe any patterns in the bridge design? D)Let us try to find the characteristic features of our bridges and flyovers: their shape, pattern, the material used, and their size. E)Compare the bridges and flyovers with those brought or made by your friends? Are all of you using the same material? Shape? Patterns? Bridges tend to be symmetrical. Have students explore the meanings of symmetrical and asymmetrical
2. Main Activities Plan activities in which students explore the relationship between shape and the structural strength. Let them try out making their own bridge using a variety of materials: clay/ paper/ card board / Thermocol / sticks / wood / stones / wires / straws etc. Let them draw and discuss and represent their plan on a sheet of paper. Example to understand the structural strength through the understanding of the shape:-
 1.First,take a plane card paper and put it on two blocks and try to put some coins on the bridge.The paper cannot hold just a few and will collapse.
2. Second,now fold the two edges as to make two walls on the sides.Try putting coins on it now. A lot more coins can be put without collapsing.
3. Third,now make the inner fold into a zigzag pattern of paper. It is beautiful to see how many more coins can be added to the bridge now. The performing arts in education provides students with the opportunity to engage the mind, the body and emotions into a collaborative expression of all that it means to be human. Through study and performance, students explore and present great themes and ideas. Activity: Phone Call Objective: Here students will describe how sound travels through a solid. Materials:String, at least 200 cm. (two yards) long; nail (to make hole); paper cups; scissors; paper clips (or washers) Procedures
1.First make a small hole in the bottom of two paper cups. 2. Second,thread the string through the holes; tie each end to a washer so the string won’t slip through. 3.Third,have a friend hold one cup; you hold the other. Gently pull the string until it’s tight. Take turns talking into the cup and listening. Be sure that you keep the string taut. Why do you think these phones work? 4. Fourth,work with another pair of students and use two phone sets. Cross the lines by looping one over the other. Describe to your partner what you think is happening and why. Then, report to the class. 5. Last,How is the sound traveling?

Answer in English
 Q2. “ Planning and preparation for performing Art activities is essential for its successful implementation” Discuss on this statement.

 Answer:-Planning and preparation for performing Art activities is essential for its successful implementation because planning and preparation plays a significant role in the organization of an event. It is an important tool to assure the success of an event. A well designed plan and preparation results in a winning situation. The effective implementation of plan plays a very important role in the whole process.For planning Theme selection should be according to the need of the event. We should be aware of the objective and purpose of the event while selection of art forms. It is very important to have authentic Knowledge of the art form which can be collected from various sources. The outlook and quality of the audience has to be kept in mind while selection of art forms. Date and time of the event is to be finalized keeping in mind the availability of space in the regular school curriculum. The location of the event , space of stage or the ambience is to be decided on the basis of the availability of funds, easy to reach, space for audience(celebration, annual day etc.), level of event(school level, inter school level, state level etc.). Fund allocation for the event and its distribution under different heads plays a crucial role in the organization. Participation in school should be kept to the maximum as the involvement motivates each child. It is very important to decide and select the type of costume and ornaments for the performance. In preparation it is important to have a fully aware team at different levels of work. Audition and selection of students should be done according to the need of the performance. There should be appropriate provision and allocation of time for rehearsals for practice of script, song, music, puppetry like dialogue delivery, voice modulation, body language and movements, mudras etc. Stage construction should be done according to the number of participants in different performances. The configuration of the stage should give scope of eye contact between performers and spectators. There should be arrangement of sound system and lighting according to the requirement of the performance. Costume, ornaments and make up can be self made/home made, on rent or already available with school. Props should be prepared in advance according to the need of the art form. For puppetry, stage setting should be according to the type of puppetry i.e. string, shadow, glove etc. The puppets can be self made or experts could be invited to do workshops with children to make it. For theatre, script should be finalized with care . All the participants should have a copy of script to build up a relation with the whole act. Funds should be managed judicially because the whole plan of action discussed above is based on the availability of funds. There should be dress rehearsal on the stage a day before the event so that everything can be checked and corrected including other arrangements. Therefore proper planning, preparation, delegation of responsibilities with effective supervision is the key to success for any event of performing Therefore Planning and preparation for performing Art activities is essential for its successful implementation.

Answer in English
  1. Explain the concept of work education in the light of purposeful and meaningful physical work.

Answer:-The concept of work education in the light of purposeful and meaningful physical work is very interesting. In every country, the main objective of education is to develop such educational system which provides opportunities to develop talents and skills which are needed throughout their life, to its citizens. It is compulsory to determine that physical work should be associated with education i.e. work education should be made an inseparable part of education. Work education is considered purposeful and meaningful physical work, which is organized as the inherent part of educational process. It is deemed as the production of meaningful material and community service, in which the children share the experience of contentment and pleasure. Work education emphasizes on including knowledge, understanding, and practical skills in educational activities. The concept of work education can be understood better through the following factors• It creates coordination in hand and brain. • Socially useful physical work is inherent in educational activities. • It is an very essential and significant factor in learning processes. • It is visible in the form of useful services and productive work for community. • It is associated as an important factor with all the aspects of education in multilevel education system. • It is based on the principle of learning by doing. Inherent activities in work education– • Develops skills like problem solving, critical thinking and decision making. • Invites partnership of teachers teaching all the subjects. • Is based on needs, interests and capabilities of students. • Develops abilities of students according to different stages of education. • Helps in the development of personality. • Develop and enhances professional readiness and efficiency in production. • Provides opportunity for interaction with different, tools, techniques, methods, materials and objects. • Provides opportunities for experiencing conditions related to community services. • Introduces to the world of work. Education can not be separated from physical work for cultural reawakening. Every student should participate in somprogrammes of service to the mankind by coming out of the sphere of his particular community. Work should be taken as a medium of education because experiences are the windows of our brain.” Work has educational importance in the education of all the children who might belong to any social, economic or cultural back ground. The education system in which work and knowledge try to adopt separate path, can never be connected with the society, but it widens the gap between society and educational institutes. Probably this is the main factor which deprives children of necessary life skills due to lack of connection in work and education. By placing physical work and productive work on a high pedestal in school curriculum means making education meaningful, logical and useful for life. Now we can summed up that work education is a purposeful, meaningful activity with physical work which is included in all the stages of school curriculum in an organized and systematic way and is visible as product or social service.

Answer in English
Explain the following statement “Timing and Grouping of students plays a vital role in the effective implementation of Work Education activity.”

Answer:-Timing and Grouping of students plays a very important and vital role in the effective implementation of Work Education activity. A perfect group and essential time allocation is the key for the successful completion of work education activity.Students experience joy when they give a shape to their ideas and imagination and when they work in groups– • There is a positive enhancement of their feelings of joy through this learning process. • They develop team spirit of the team. • They display the skill of teaching learning to one another. • Qualities like co-operation and leadership develop spontaneously. The nature of majority of activities in work education is such that they give better results if done in groups. Qualities related to aptitude,values and skills and the other social values like sensitivity towards one other and environment, empathy, co-operation, understanding interdependence, love for nature, appreciation for beauty, dignity of labour, regularity etc. blossom more on working in groups. An environment of common culture is developed by working in groups. The above mentioned positive aspects can only be promoted when the grouping of the learners is done in a systematic way.Timing plays a vital role in effecting implementation of work education activity. Whatever the activity a teacher decides to organize must have a proper timing so that it won’t hinder the usual schedule of school or any other event. Also with proper timing students will get chance to understand the activity and the ways to implement it, like after April, there is summer vacation in May and June, you can plan projects for the students about the tasks to be assigned to them. A number of activities can he given to the students as home assignment like collection of seeds, herbarium, making a whistle with mango seed, make drink with mango, know the variety of mangoes, write dairy for any ten days collect broken things. Time for each activity can be allocated on the basis of nature, its objectives and the expected results. It is not necessary that all the stages of each activity may be performed in the school. There may be some activities which may begin with the demonstration by teacherand then may experience in their houses or community as per their convenience. Some important Point of view regarding TIME is:- It’s main important is to calculate which activity is to be done in which period of the year/session. Fixing of this point will depend on the nature of activity and need of school and community. You can plan a project in the capacity of work education teacher that in a particular month of the session, what should be extra activities and which of those can became a part of the programme of work education.


1 comment:

  1. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information Bridges & Flyover


Arabic story for LP

اَنَا اَقُصُ اَمَامَكُمْ قِصِّةً عَنِ دَارِسَةُ الاَمِينَة اِسْمُهَا فَاطِمَة مَاتَ اَبُوهَا قَبْلَ سَنَوَاتٍ وَكَانَتْ تَعِيشُ مَعَ اُمِّهَ...