Wednesday 17 October 2018



Course: 507
Assignment: 01
Question: 01
  1. Explain how education and socialization are interrelated? What is the influence of community in the life skill development of the learners? Discuss

Answer:-Education of any society has direct correlations with its socio-cultural factors. The process of education evolved in its social structure, social norms and values system. School is one such creation of human society to transfer the existing cultural content from one generation to next generation. In informal setting, socialization is a process through which community transact or educate their members about the norms and values of the society. Traditionally, education provided by religious institutions like Christian missionaries, Islamic Madarsa, Buddhist monasteries and other religious organizations. These institutions have the proselytizing feature and they inculcate their religious ideals. These are not limited established religions, each community transmit their norms and values. In this process of education and socialization, we also transmit the biases and differences of our society- i.e. hierarchy, stratification and inherent inequality. The dominance of elite culture, gender disparity and other socio-cultural features also transmitted to the younger generations. Pierre Bourdieu, French sociologist, viewed education perpetuate the culture of dominant class, this phenomenon he called ‘cultural reproduction’. Similarly, Paulo Freire observed the teaching process, teaching method and language makes a difference between oppressors and oppressed. Major roles of school today-School as moral authority, preparing people for an occupation, school should not subservient to the community’s dominant class. We can make link with the culture, which is one of the fundamental right of all human beings to celebrate and enjoy their own culture. According to Article 29 of the convention on the Rights of the child, Education of the child shall be directed to the development of respect for the child’s parents his /her own cultural identity, language and values. From this we can see clearly that language is a carrier of culture. It is one part of the entire cultural heritage and cannot be separated from culture .We should include it not because it is a fundamental right of children but it is useful for them for providing quality education. Culture represents a tremendous spectrum of human expression that can be studied in a number of ways and a number of reasons. Its primary characteristics is that its ingredients seem to come directly from dynamic interactions among human beings in communal-traditional performance .As the culture have grown through time within the group that share the same ethnic heritage, language, occupation, religion or geographic area and these home grown traditional activities serve to identify and symbolise the group. These traditional forms of knowledge are learned informally within a one to one or small group exchange through performance. It is private but it can be made public when used by groups to symbolise their identity to themselves and others. Folklore comes early and stays late in the lives of all of us. In spite of the combined forces of technology, science, television, religion, urbanization, and creeping literacy, we prefer our close personal associations as the basis for learning about life and transmitting important observations and expressions.

Answer in English
  1. Describe the need of involving the community in school education. Discuss how the community can be involved in improving school education? Give at least five ways.

 Answer:-The objective of community participation in education is to universalize education which means availability of schooling facilities to all children; getting all children to enroll and making the system responsive to retain all students. The goal of any kind of activity that attempts to involve community and parents /families in education is to improve the educational delivery so that more children learn better and are well prepared for the changing world. Participation of the community is a means to increase the mobilization of the financial, human and material resources required to make the educational system efficient. Participation is also necessary to adopt education to the needs, problems, aspirations and interests of all sections of population especially weaker sections. Participation is also essential for the democratization of education especially in the perspective of achieving equal opportunity. Participation is indispensable in order to avoid having the community become indifferent towards the education system. It is also an important instrument to stimulate initiative. Community can be involved through different ways: • participation in the surveys for out of school children, awareness building campaigns on issue of child labour, enrolment drives. • participation in the school mapping exercise, location of the school, availability of schooling infrastructure like building, classrooms, toilet and drinking water facility. Involvement through the contribution of money, materials, and labour. involvement through ‘attendance’ (e.g. at parents’ meetings at school), visiting schools to monitor hygiene and teaching/learning in the classroom, discuss pupil’s performance with teachers • involvement through consultation on a particular issue like how to improve the infrastructure or teaching methodology; • participation in the delivery of a service, teaching when the teacher is absent or teaching a vocational skills/ music to the students.

Question:-What is leadership? Why is it important for a teacher? What are the leadership styles? What type of leadership will you adopt for proper development of your learners? Why?

Answer:-“Leadership is a function of knowing yourself having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among col-leagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential.” Leadership is important for a teacher because Leaders are generally productive in nature. And a productive leader sees to it that people do their jobs with the skills and commitment needed to produce the best obtainable results at the lowest feasible outlay of money, time and resources. There are mainly four types of leadership styles: Autocratic style, Laissez Faire Style, Easygoing Style and Democratic Style. I would like to follow autocratic leadership because This type of leadership has a distorting effect on the development of the employees or subordinates. Frequent use of threats and punishment will reduce their effectiveness. important for a teacher because Leaders are generally productive in nature. And a productive leader sees to it that people do their jobs with the skills and commitment needed to produce the best obtainable results at the lowest feasible outlay of money, time and resources. There are mainly four types of leadership styles: Autocratic style, Laissez Faire Style, Easygoing Style and Democratic Style I would like to follow autocratic style because This type of leadership has a distorting effect on the development of the employees or subordinates. Frequent use of threats and punishment will reduce their effectiveness. Autocratic leadership style means all decision-making powers are centralized in the leader, as with dictators. Leaders do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates. This type of leader tells his/her subordinates what he/she wants done and how he/she wants it done and does not entertain any advice or suggestion. He/she is a rigid disciplinarian and believes that praise and appreciation will spoil the students. This style of leadership is indicative of a ‘tell and do’ manager. Leadership here is usually a solo performance. The head of the institution runs the show seeking little advice from the subordinates. He/she makes his/her own decisions, delegating as little independent responsibility as possible. Communication is usually one way: he/she talks and you listen. Autocratic leadership is also more concerned with ends than means. What matters is result. The process and people involved are less important.

Answer in English

Question:-What is community mobilization? Why it is important for a school system? As a teacher what qualities and skills you need to have to become an effective community mobilize? Discuss.

Answer:-The community has an important role to identify and use available resources and plan accordingly. Where there is a mechanism of local self-government, important decisions are usually made at the local level by the local people themselves.This is the best possible way for development of community. This is called community mobilization where people plan and do things. Community Mobilization is important because:- • Creating demand for interventions • Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions • Contributing additional resources to the response • Reaching the most vulnerable • Addressing the underlying issues affecting education: gender disparities, lack of awareness • Increasing community ownership and sustainability Skills we need to have to be a community mobilizer:- 1) Good Communication skills, specially listening. 2)Good facilitation skills to enable communities to conduct their own analysis and problem solving. 3)An ability to ensure representation of every member the community in decision making and planning.


Question:What type of resources is needed to manage a school? Give any three practical suggestions for human resource management in your school and write a plan for implementation of these suggestions.

Answer:- Types of resources need to manage a school are:- 1) Human resources. 2) Material resources. 3) Financial resources: It comes from- (1) Central Government (2) State Government (3)Local-self-government (Local bodies) Think for a while the crop-growing process of farmers in a village. They are the real human resource because they cultivate the land by a production process (a) prepare the field through ploughing, (b) weeding, (c) sowing, (d) irrigating, (e) manuring, (f) putting insecticides to avoid crop-disease, (g) harvesting the crop, (h) storing the produce. All these production-processes requires human effort, knowledge of crop-growing, organizing the family labour or hire labour if they are the tenant farmers, making provision for seeds, fertilizers or manures insecticides, irrigation management, farm machinery for growing crops. They take the risk of crop-growing if harvest fails to yield the produce. This knowledge and skills of growing a crop is considered as human resource. Any wrong decision, delay or casualness can cost the farmers financial loss since in crop-growing; the nature plays an important role which is beyond humanbeing to control it. However, the idea here is that human resources are very important to create income or wealth in a community or society or country .To some extent this also applies to the schooling. Here the teachers and school management puts human effort in converting raw students into educated and trained persons who are capable of making their living and enhance their family’s’ quality of life and at the same time contribute in the country’s’ income. But the risk factor in schooling is not so strong since the schooling of students is done on paid remuneration. Teachers are paid remuneration and their risk factor is not comparable to the farmers. Farmers lose their investment in case of failure of crops as in case of teachers this does not happen.
Dr muhammed saleem mt

Dr muhammed saleem mt

Dr muhammed saleem mt

Dr muhammed saleem mt

Dr muhammed saleem mt

Dr muhammed saleem mt


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اَنَا اَقُصُ اَمَامَكُمْ قِصِّةً عَنِ دَارِسَةُ الاَمِينَة اِسْمُهَا فَاطِمَة مَاتَ اَبُوهَا قَبْلَ سَنَوَاتٍ وَكَانَتْ تَعِيشُ مَعَ اُمِّهَ...