Wednesday 19 December 2018

506 MCQ

1. Venlak as a combined name of Venkateswara and Lakshmi is an example
of(/ only one of the following) :
a) Verbal creativity, b) Non- verbal creativity ,
c) Theoretical creativity, d) Practical creativity

2. The opposite of creativity is (one of the following):
a) Recalling , b) Recognising,
c) Repetition, d) Imitation

3 Which of these is highly connected to creativity? (One of the following):
a) Submissiveness, b) Talkativeness,
c) Originality, d) Impulsiveness

4 The approaches to study creativity are mnemonically called as ………….
a. 4 P Approach b. 4 B Approach
c. 4 A Approach d. 4 C Approach
5 The steps of creative thinking are ……………..
a. 4 b. 5 c 3 d. 2
6 Convergent thinking is best expressed in this example ………………..
a. School b. Essay
c Homework d. Theorem
7 If the parents get transferred every 3 years and the student moves with the
parents, it is beneficial to the student from the point of view of…
A. Intelligence B. Reflective thinking C. Creativity D. Logical Thinking
8 Brain storming was developed by ………………
a. Covington b. Crutech field
c. Osborn d. Cropley
9 Riddle construction or soldering is similar to ………………. Techniques.
a. Synectic b. Brain Storming
c. Attribute listing and changingd. Lateral thinking
10-uzzles require a …………….. to be found to solve it.
a. Word b. Catch
c. Dead-end d. Screw
11-he first psychologist, who drew the attention of all psychologists towards
creativity in 1950’s, was……………..
a. Cropley b. Torrance
c. Guilford d. Khatena
12-eachers who wish to develop the creativity of their students must have
to ………..
a. displease the students b. Displease the authorities
c. Tolerate disciplined. d Tolerate disorder
13-cience fiction develops ………… in students.
a. Logical thinking b. Imagination
c. Deductive thinking d. Inductive thinking
14-If a student thinks of variety of responses. This capacity is called………….
a. Fluency b. Flexibility
c Originality d. Persistency
15- clever novel and uncommon response is called………………
a. Fluency b. Flexibility
c. Originality d. Persistency
16-irst researchers to develop tests of creativity are ………………..
a. Guilford and Terman b. Torrance &Terman
c. Guilford &Cattel d. Guilford& Torrance
17-f a student gives 7 defects of a chappel and the other student gives 3
defects, this ability is called……………..
a. Fluency b. Flexibility
c. Originality d Persistency

18 Children who are waiting to be adopted, that is, children who are legally
free for adoptionare known as ______________________. Waiting Children
19- child is termed legally blind when its visual acuity is ___________
________ (20/20,20/200,10/200,20/2000)
20- Hearing Impaired child needs to spend considerable time on learning
___________________ (Language, Braille, Writing, Reading)
21-itamin A deficiency is one of the causes for ___________________
(hearing impairment, locomotor impairment, cognitive disability, visual
23. Women deserve no freedom. This statement is made in . . . .
(a) Ramayan (b) Manu smriti
(c) Mahabharath (d) Upanishads
24. Which one of the following is not illegal in India?
(a) Committing or abetting Sati
(b) Taking or giving dowry
(c) Giving special privileges to girls to promote women sports
(d) Sexual harassment in work places
25. Which one of the following is an instance of gender discrimination?
(a) Mentioning names of both parents in the progress report of the
(b) Encouraging girls to pursue non-conventional courses
(c) Respecting women and their need for some privacy.
(d) Men are paid more salary than women for doing the same job.

26. Which one of the following does not indicate the status of women in
our society?
(a) Rights over property (b) Education
(c) Knowledge of mother tongue (d) Sex ratio
27. Sex ratio is defined as . . . . .
(a) the number of females for every 1000 males
(b) the number of males for every 10000 females
(c) the number of females for every 1000 males
(d) the number of females for every 10000 males
28. Which one of the following is TRUE statement?
(a) Sex ratio is falling even in developed states of our country
(b) Educational level of women is slightly higher than that of men
(c) We find more women than men in highly paid professions.
(d) Early marriage is better for girls to avoid complications of
29. Marginalization of women in our society is linked to . . . . .
(a) Experiencing disadvantages (b) Prejudices
(c) Powerlessness (d) All of these
30. Which one of the following statements is TRUE with regard to
(a) Low educational levels restrict their choices
(b) Domestic responsibilities and traditional beliefs results in poor
(c) Early marriage leads to early pregnancy and poor health
(d) All of the above statements are true.
31. Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) Women with higher levels of education are unlikely to lead a
happy life.
(b) Even unemployed women contribute to the economic progress
of the country indirectly.
(c) Women workers do not deserve the same salary as men workers.
(d) Gendered division of labour is good for the economic progress of
our country.

32. Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate response
from among the given:
(i) Which one of the following promotes gender bias and inequality in a
school setting?
(a) stereotyping of male and female roles in textbooks
(b) teaching practices that are biased against girls
(c) school uniforms that are different for boys and girls
(d) All of these
(33) Which one of the following is free from language bias with respect to
(a) Manly look (b) femininely soft (c) girlish
(d) humane
(34) Which one of the following statements made by a teacher is NOT
gender biased?
(a) Being a girl, how can you be so untidy in your work?
(b) After all he is boy. He can get away with it!

(c) It is important for both boys and girls to do well in all subjects
including mathematics.
(d) Boys will shift the furniture out of the room and then let girls
clean up the room.
35. There is an element of sexism in the following statements. Identify the
same and correct the statement to make it bias-free.
(a) The chairman of the School Develop and Monitoring Committee
addressed the parents.
(b) A scientist is interested in the study of nature. He tries to find the
laws that govern the natural phenomenon.
(c) Plastic and cement are examples of man-made materials.
(d) Men work in fields and the women do cooking and take care of

(a) The chairperson of the School Develop and Monitoring Committee
addressed the parents.
(b) A scientist is interested in the study of nature. He/she tries to find the
laws that govern the natural phenomenon.
(c) Plastic and cement are examples of materials made by men and
(d) The men and women in the family work in the fields and together
they do cooking and take care of children.

1) e 2) c 3) c 4) a 5) b

36) According to . . . . .. . .. . India is committed to eliminate gender
discrimination in education
a) Article 45 b) CEDAW
c) RTE Act d) Article 15(3)
37) RTE Act ensures free and compulsory education for . . . . . . . . .
a) 8-14 years b) 6-18 years
c) 6-14 years d) 6-12 years
38) Article 45 of our Constitution imposes the responsibility of
education on ……..
a) The State b) Community
c) Teachers d) Parents
39) Who is responsible for girl’s education?
a) Parents b) Community
c) The State d) Non of them
e) All of them
40) Educational intervention for ‘hard to reach’ girls -. . . .
a) Morarji Desai school b) KGBVs
c) NPEGEL d) MahilaSamakhya
41) . . . . . .. provides support to model cluster schools
a) KGBV b) MS
c) NPEGEL d) MahilaShikshanaKendras
42) Residential schools for SC/ST and minority girls . . . .
a) KGBV b) Navodaya schools
c) NPEGEL d) None of these
43). ‘Education for equality’ is the motto of . . . . . .
a) KGBV b) MS

1. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write your
response in the blank provided in each statement:
a) Gender characteristics are natural differences. ..........
b) Being a male or female is a biological attribute ..........
c) Gender attributes change from one society to another ..........
d) Gender of a person is generally a constant while sex
is subject to change. ..........
e) Gender is a product of culture and socialization ..........
f) Being a female is in itself a negative thing for the person ..........
a) False
b) True
c) True
d) False
e) True
f) False

2. Classify the following as ‘biological attribute’ and ‘gender attribute’:
a) Males are more intelligent than females
b) Women may bear children.
c) Female voice is generally shriller than that of males.
d) Males are more self-confidence than females
e) Certain types of social activities are not suitable for women.
f) Males have greater tolerance to pain than females
g) Females have XX chromosome while males have XY chromosomes.
h) For a women, the looks and character are more important than
anything else
i) Some jobs are more suitable to females than to males.
j) Household work is the duty of all women and girls
k) Woman, thy name is jealousy!

a) Gender attribute
b) Biological attribute
c) Biological attribute
d) Gender attribute
e) Gender attribute
f) Gender attribute
g) Biological attribute
h) Gender attribute
i) Gender attribute
j) Gender attribute
k) Gender attribute
I. State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, correct
the statements:
1. Preference for male child is reflective of the bias against women.
2. Parents have no role in promoting gender equality.
3. Teachers can play a vital role in creating a gender fair society.
4. PNDT Act was promulgated to fight the menace of dowry system in
5. Indian constitution does not discriminate between men and women.
6. The number of females for every thousand males is decreasing in our
7. Biological factors are largely responsible for the subjugation of
8. All teachers show gender sensitivity in their classroom practices.

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. False

II. Which of the following is an example for gender discrimination or gender
1. A teacher not assigning certain kinds of school work to girls.
2. Providing fee exemption and scholarship to all girls who pursue higher
3. Reservation for women candidates in JillaPanchayats and village
4. Police not registering a case when a woman comes with a complaint.
5. Eve teasing in buses.
6. Provision separate examination room for women patients in a
government hospital.
7. Granting maternity and child care leave to women.

8. Asking a victim of molestation to not tell anyone what has happened

1. Act of gender discrimination
2. No gender discrimination
3. No gender discrimination
4. Act of gender discrimination
5. Act of gender discrimination
6. No gender discrimination
7. No gender discrimination
8. Act of gender discrimination

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اَنَا اَقُصُ اَمَامَكُمْ قِصِّةً عَنِ دَارِسَةُ الاَمِينَة اِسْمُهَا فَاطِمَة مَاتَ اَبُوهَا قَبْلَ سَنَوَاتٍ وَكَانَتْ تَعِيشُ مَعَ اُمِّهَ...