Tuesday 26 February 2019

510 -1

Q 1. Write the contribution of Indian philosophers ?
India made a pioneering headway in the field of Mathematics, medicine,
Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Aviation, Yoga and Architecture.
The oldest Indian
scripture Vedas were written about 7000 years ago Four Vedas were
written in 5000 BC: Rigveda , Yajurveda , Samveda and Atharvaveda.
Each Veda has four parts: Samhita, Aranyak, Brahmana and Upanishad.
means a Sutra text. Four sutras have been described in Kalpa.
(i) rihya Sutra which
speaks about Vedic duties performed by house holders.
(ii) dharma sutra speaks
about Ethical and Moral codes.
(iii) ta Sutra gives you the way Rituals and Vedic Sacrifice is
(iv) shulba Sutra is all about Algebric calculations.
Now let us see some of the important contributions, Indians made in
Vedic period.
Speed of light has been calculated in Rigved Samhita, Mandalam 1,
Sukta 50, Mantra
4. Madhava Infinite series gave rational approximation to =
Theorem [ 3000 BC] is generally attributed to Pythagoras[582 BC].
[1800 BC] talks about importance of “108”. The Sankhya philosophy by
Kapila is
like Darwinism.

Q.2. Write the contribution of Western natural philosophers.
Western Philosophers and natural Scientists led the foundation of
scientific methodology
and the centre of learning was established in Greece. Here are few
examples. Pythagoras
a native of Greece [582 BC] brought the mathematical idea of Egyptians
with a precise
proof later well-known as Pythagorean theorem. Hippocrates from
Greek island of Cos [460 BC] was the father of modern Medicine.
Aristotle [384 BC] was an outstanding teacher and had a remarkable
understanding of Scientific method as we recognize it today.
Archimedes [287 BC] studied at the famous school of Mathematics in
Alexandria . He was a scientist and
a mathematician of extraordinary
greatness –
“One man and one intellect – a host in itself”.
Q.3. what is science ? write the Definition and General
Characteristics ?
Science is a reliable process by which we learn about all the stuff in this
Science relies in testing ideas with evidence gathered from the natural
world. Why is
the sky blue? Why did the rain drops come downwards? Why are the
roses of different
colors? Are some of the innocent questions which a child may ask? It is
only with the
science that we can answer such questions without resorting to magical
Without science modern world will never be modern at all, and we still
have much to

learn. The most important character of science is that it is straight
forward. The aim of
science is to uncover the real working of the natural world, and that
requires honesty.
You can not get to the truth by exaggerating results, managing numbers,
reporting data or interpreting evidence in a biased way. Hence scientists
expect other
scientists to act with integrity. Any thing that we do in science has to
have objectivity.
Science can be defined as “An accumulated and systematized learning in
general usage
restricted to natural phenomenon”

Q.4. write a short note on Philosophy of Science ?
Reductionism is another concept in philosophy of science. It is a belief
that all fields of
study are ultimately amenable to scientific explanation. Perhaps a
historical event might
be explained in sociological and psychological terms, which in turn
might be described
in terms of human physiology, which in turn might be described in terms
of Chemistry
and Physics. .Daniel Dennett innovated the term Greedy reductionism.
In this he claims
that it is just a “Bad Science” seeking to find explanations which are
appealing or
eloquent, rather than those that are of use in predicting natural
phenomena. .
Daniel Dennett in his book “Darwin’s dangerous idea” [1995] says
“There is no such thing as a philosophy-free science, there is only

science whose philosophical baggage is taken on border without
Q.5. explain the Process of Science and write the Main
Characteristics of the process of science ?
Every day experience of deducing that your scooter won’t start because
of carbon in the spark plug, or that the centipedes in your backyard
prefer a shady rock, share similarities with classical scientific
discoveries like working out DNA’s double helix. These activities
involve making observations and analyzing evidences, and they all
provide the satisfaction of finding an answer that make sense of all the
facts. In fact some psychologists argue that the way individual humans
learn , especially children ,bears a lot of similarity to the process of
science both involve making observations ,considering evidence , testing
ideas and holding on to those that work.
Main Characteristics of the process of science
i. Science proceeds on the assumption based on centuries of experience
that the universe is not capricious.
ii. Science knowledge is based on observation of samples of matter that
are accessible to public investigation in contrast to purely private
iii. Science proceeds in a piecemeal manner even though it also aims at
achieving a systematic and comprehensive understanding of various
aspects of nature.
iv. Science is not and probably never will be a finished enterprise and
there remains very much more to be discovered about how things in the
universe behave and how they are interrelated.
v. Measurement is an important feature of most branches of modern
science because the formation as well as the establishment of laws are
facilitated through the development of quantitative distinctions .

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